Shorts // Is It Simpler Than You Think?

When growth feels stuck, it is tempting to throw in even more complexity. Usually, getting back…

Shorts // Who Is Walking With You?

We don’t get somewhere alone. We get there through our networks and shared purpose. Are your…

Shorts // Is Your Team Energised to Go?

Compassionate leaders understand that having a motivated team is as much about support for excellence as…

Shorts // Are You Seeing Clearly Enough?

Compassionate leaders understand the value of seeing clearly even if the truth is challenging and uncomfortable.

Shorts // Is the Limit the Opportunity?

A Compassionate Leader understands that constraints and boundaries can bring opportunity and freedom.

Shorts // Do You Need More Helpers?

We all get by with a little help from our friends, so reach out to your…

Shorts // Why Are You Holding Back?

When it’s time to take action and lead, we can be our own worst enemy if…

Case Stories // Knowing Who You Need Next

In our second case story on the Contribution Compass we share our experience of using the Contribution Identifier…

Shorts // Are You Stuck On Your Next Hire?

Use the Contribution Compass’ free tool to clearly define the contribution you need next.

Books // Get In the Game

In the seventh book recommendation in our must-have Compassionate Leadership collection, Ann introduces us to ‘Get in the…