Happy New Year to you and your team! As the year kicks off and we all get moving into our flow, we wish that all your goals and wonderful ideas come to life and bring you prosperity in 2022.

When we start a new year, we tend to be filled with energy and enthusiasm for all the potential for the year. With so many days yet to come, it can feel that there is so much we can do with all the space left. Yet is that sustainable and realistic?

Fast forward to the end of this year…will you be tired and depleted, counting down the days until you can take a break? If yes, and if this is what happens for you every year, then let’s do things differently in 2022.

Let’s find a way to set our pace and rhythm so that we make time to rejuvenate along the way. That we sustain our passion and commitment to our purpose with smaller sprints or hops towards our outcomes rather than high-drama pushing the envelope in the final hour. Let’s put one foot in front of the other and get energy from our efforts and not burnout.

Consider trying out our Me-Scan free self-assessment tool. It will highlight areas for your team where development can deepen your ability to go the distance. Continue back to our web site for more information.